Auto Solutions
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In-Game Adjustments

Learning How to Adapt on the Fly

You may have noticed how much the world has changed lately. From grocery prices to elections, a lot has happened this year. And, that's not even considering the state of flux the car business is in.

Interest rates still aren't where they need to be (although we have access to the best ones for you) and 138,000 vehicles were just taken out of the market by Hurricane Helene, temporarily driving prices up (they've since corrected).

If there's one thing we've learned in 20 years of business, it's this: the only constant is change.

We used to run our business the same from month to month. Once upon a time, you could do that. The economy just isn't in that same space right now.

Think of some of the best basketball coaches of all time. John Wooden, Phil Jackson, Pat Summitt. These were all coaches with different philosophies, different leagues, different eras, but similar results - championships.

Their common denominator? An ability to come up with a gameplan and the courage to deviate from it when the situation called for it. Mike Tyson once said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."

And, our industry has taken some blows as of late.

Which is why you'll notice some differences on our website.

We have been stocking around 10-15 less vehicles than usual, our prices have been much more aggressive, and we have transitioned into a No-Haggle pricing model.

The reason for this leaner approach is to accomodate a market that is shifting faster than ever. With less vehicles in stock, we are able to constantly analyze market data and implement real-time pricing strategies to ensure these vehicles stay at the forefront of the market and remain the nicest pre-owned vehicles at the best prices.

This too shall pass, and we'll get back up close to 100 vehicles in stock. Until then, know we appreciate your support, and remain diligent to stay ahead of the curve during lean times in order to serve you for years to come.

As always, it's our greatest pleasure you're here with us.

Sincerely, Josh