Auto Solutions
2509 E. Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN
(865) 379-9993
Closed. Opens Wednesday at 9:00 AM
Closed. Opens Wednesday at 9:00 AM

Can I Trade My Car If I Still Owe on it?

This is a Commonly Asked Questioned!

Hey there friends!

You may think our site exists only to sell cars - and you're partly right! That's how we keep the lights on here at Auto Solutions. But, we also want to offer you a level of service when you spend your well-earned time on our website.

For those of us who grew up in the car business, there are certain things we assume everyone knows when in reality that isn't always the case.

One such issue is that of your trade. I couldn't tell you how many times I've heard, "I'd like to trade my car in but I still owe on it," or, "I'm upside down on my trade so I have to pay it down before I can trade it."

The reality is, most of our customers trade in vehicles with payoffs on them (meaning they still owe on them). And, of those, many owe more than the market value of the vehicle they're wanting to upgrade from.

That's totally fine!

We have special lenders who can work around that, as well as specific vehicles in our inventory that have the room in their pricing to carry or offset any negative equity.

If you are looking to upgrade to a new ride let us help out!

As always, thanks for being here.
